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Who is Ka?

I AM KA. YOU ARE KA. When ONE is free to share their unique spark, others are encouraged to do the same. As we fully embrace our total BEing we create an infinite loop of KA activation. KA also refers to Ka Nefer Nefer, a Kemetic noblewoman whose excavated funerary mask dates back over 3200 years.

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Depicted by a hieroglyph of uplifted arms, KA is the protecting divine spirit that enLIVEens YOU. Each individuWILL has a unique KA, one that comes more aLIVE through Kemetic Yoga. 

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Kemetic Yoga 4 Da Youth

Dr. Jerika Robinson Johnstone is the creator and founder of KA KEMETIC YOGA. She holds a BA in Child- Development from Spelman College, an MA in International & Comparative Education from Teachers College Columbia University and a PhD in Comparative & International Educational Development from the University of Minnesota. Her heart has always been with the youth. She has over two decades of classroom experience and has a gift of connecting to and tapping in to the unlimited potential of the youth. Over time Dr. Jerika has stood on one leg with hundreds of young people throughout the Diaspora from Kingston, Jamaica to Harare, Zimbabwe.

Dr. Jerika holds a specialized certification in Black Child & Youth Development from Yoga Skills School of Kemetic Yoga led by Master Instructor Yirser Ra Hotep. As mother to Farrah Zen (12), Kingston Tao (9), and Guru Zeke Pi (3),  Dr. Jerika aims to help others express their unique KA through movement, storytelling, music, visual and performing arts. Dr. Jerika recognizes that creative expression is limitless and timeless. 
Dr. Jerika emPOWERs youth by equipping them with tools for internal self regulation (ISR). ISR provides youth with the capacity to regulate their own thoughts, emotions and behavior by correcting the imbalances in their hormonal state. Imbalances are often attributed to gestational and environmental stress factors. 

Kemetic Yoga provides an ethic of holistic wellness complete with movements, postures, breathing and meditation all designed to regulate and re-structure the internal workings of the hormones and nervous system. Kemetic Yoga 4 Da Youth is unique in that it cultivates knowledge of self through exposure to rich cultural stories, ancient history, traditions and artifacts. Kemetic Yoga 4 Da Youth enlivens connections to the ancient sages of Kemet and their sacred teachings, offering youth a greater sense of purpose, focus and awareness of their unique KA.

Studies show that yoga improves memory and cognitive functioning, reduces stress and anxiety, and improves social relationships. Kemetic Yoga is healing for everyone and is especially ideal for the optimal development and well- being of our youth.

Kemetic Yoga 4 Da Youth to re-convene every Saturday @ 10 AM EST 🌈 on Zoom. Stay Tuned!

Meeting ID: 940 2466 8959

Passcode: onelove

No one ever turned away! 

Join Us!

$11.11 if you can✨

$Jerika Johnstone CASHAPP 

@Jerika-Johnstone Venmo

Kemetic Yoga 4 Adults to re-convene every 

Thursday @ 8:30 PM EST 🌝 on Zoom. Stay Tuned!

Meeting ID: 885 734 2789

Passcode: onelove









Vernon Park

5800 Germantown Avenue 



Home: Offerings

Kemetic Yoga 4 Da Fam

Dr. Jerika is here for the entire tribe! As a certified Kemetic Yoga teacher, Dr. Jerika infuses her love for yoga and cultural expression into her sesh-ions. Sesh? Sesh is pose of the scribe from ancient Kemet. The scribe sat for hours writing the sacred texts of the ancient mystery schools. By infusing the stories, sounds and cultural artifacts of ancient Kemet into her offerings, Dr. Jerika enlivens the KA of us all.


Want to learn more?

Dr. Jerika is here to uplift the planet by connecting with youth, families and communities through Kemetic Yoga. Feel a connection? Follow your KA. Reach out. 


2023 COLLECTION “I AM” reminds us of our ONENESS with DIVINE UNIVERSAL FORCES. The left eye of thought, the illuminated pyramid and the life-giving sun are power-filled. Connect with your intuition and the royal power that is your birthright. “I AM” reminds us that we are more than just the body. The vital energy that emanates from your being is your KA. Your spirit, the essence of you, the eternal self.

WEAR, SAY, GAZE, THINK and claim infinity ♾.  LIFT your vibration and heal the ALL. 

KA APPAREL is ever evolving and follows waves of inspiration and intuition. KA APPAREL showcases the rich and ancient wonder of ANCIENT KEMET💎

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Let’s Connect

KA KEMETIC YOGA offerings are vast and ever evolving. We offer classes, workshops, retreats and products!  Infuse Kemetic Yoga into your lifestyle and activate your unique KA.

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